Thursday, August 2, 2012

Be at the right place where people want you

Need to get to the bank real fast and get back. Line 2 is coming by in 10 min. Can I do it? I got to the bank, took care of a few business matters. Line 2 coming by again.  A little late today. Someone said it was free day at the fair. I had a chance to be transit customer service rep for someone wanting to know when the bus would be by.  I shared with him my precise calculations... hit the nail on the head when I anticipated Line 2 will be around. Wooo bus packed. Guess free day at the fair is getting everyone out.

Just remembered I wanted to get a haircut too. Best plan: stay on Line 2, it converts to Line 1 at terminal, then stay with it. It goes right by the hair place.  Timing good; hair girl got me right in and out in time to catch Line 1, but this time it had been full circle and coming back around. What a hot day! Think I will ride it all the way around and back. Nothing like an air conditioned bus on a horrendously hot day. 

I started walking back to where the bus would be coming toward me. Oh yes, I see a bus sign in the distance on the other side of a pole. Managed to get there as he was rounding the corner. I gave a friendly bus wave.  Hmmm... he kept on going. Walked up to pole and looked around the pole to the sign and it said, "No Parking". I realized buses don't stop at "No Parking" signs. It needs to be a bus stop sign.  Lesson learned. Be at the right place that offers what you want. If you want something, go to where someone has what you want. 

So, I changed my strategy. Line 14 comes by not too far where I am. I can make this, I know I have enough time... walk, walk, walk... and I made it with five minutes to spare. There's the grocery store. As my mind did a quick scan of my refrigerator, I really could use a few things. Decision time... why not do it now and I won't have to make a trip back.

I hurried in, got my goods, one person in line, fast cashier. Got through in seconds, felt like an Olympian.  I know I can still make it to the bus stop just out front.  I hurried outside and there she is, Line 14 at the stop light. She still needs to cross the street. As I get to the bus stop, an authorized one this time, the light changes. 14 pulls across the street to me. On it, off again and a short walk to my place.

Not bad on time. I went to the bank, got a haircut, grabbed some groceries and back home within two hours. Consider this. With good planning, knowing your system, a strategy, watch your timing, you can dance with the wolves as they say. (Not saying bus drivers are wolves.)(Noticed a sign that said do not talk to the bus drivers while moving. It made me think of the sign at the zoo, "don't feed the animals." A correlation?... naaa... must be having a right brain association trip.)
(For the record: most all the bus drivers I met are good people. Always friendly, happy to help, and they graciously answer any questions you may have... good-hearted, approachable folks.)

I learned a lesson on how to stay on schedule by watching the drivers. They know when to push the pedal, and when to hit the brakes. It's knowing when and how much to push the pedal, and when and how much to apply the brakes... not too soon, not too late.  To meet a schedule, when we know their secret, we can make our schedules. This would have really helped me in my relationships, my career earlier in life,  if only I would been part of the bus culture experience sooner. Again, the secret of life... to know when to push the pedal and when to hit the brakes.

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