Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Barn, Books, Business, The Bus

Some ask me why I ride the bus. My life events seemed to have brought me full circle to what I thought about in my youth, to being expressed now. A near-death experience in the prime of my life stirred a revisit to that expression. It progressed something like this.

On the farm as a youth, it was my job to feed the cows, take them to pasture, and in the summertime, stack the freshly baled hay on the wagon, and then stack it in the hay loft in the barn. During those times working in the barn, the hills, I saw myself helping those neglected, struggling, just trying to make it in life. As I thought about going to college, I would think about studying psychology, sociology then working with VISTA, or a social service organization.

After nearly completing my hours for a major in psychology, my college had an offer by a local TV station to provide jobs to students in broadcasting. I had the opportunity to actually work and get college credit. So I switched my major to broadcast communications.  I seemed to be a natural there and realized I loved communications psychology more than clinical psychology. After a year or two I was offered a chance to broaden my communications skills by creating audio-visual media for a national religious publishing organization. While there I completed an advanced degree in education and communications. I was not making  a great deal of money, but I enjoyed what I did.

Events started to move more rapidly. As president and on boards of several educational/training association groups, I became noted in my field. The business sector caught my eye. Started a video production business producing videos mainly for corporate applications, became a corporate training professional, and moved on to partnering with entrepreneurs as an advanced resource/personal strategist. My professional career continued to advance.

Then all of a sudden things changed.
A near-death experience, barely escaped dying, totally changed my perspective of life quite dramatically.  This summation of those with near-death experiences gives a fairly accurate description of who I am now.

"Most people who face near-death experiences are profoundly changed for even decades after their near-death experience. They particularly become less materialistic, less competitive, less involved in personal power, prestige, fame. Much more altruistic (selfless concern for others), much more concerned with relationships and the spiritual side of lives. Many change careers, change their relationships as a result of their near-death experience."  From:
Resurrected Millionaire doesn't care about money any more.

I don’t value carrying the image of being successful, having an impressive position, or possessing things as before. Life for me is about living on purpose, a mission, and creating quality lifestyle that’s more internal than external. It is like God sent me back with this message… we all have His gifts and an assignment related to it. I can see God’s gifts in people. He has given me a Gift to guide people in how to use their Gifts for Noble Purposes. Everyday I see a rich reservoir of latent talent, undiscovered, underdeveloped gifts on the bus… not just the bus riders, but also the bus drivers, the leaders that surround the system. No matter how little someone has or how much someone has accomplished, I see so much more that they could be.

I want to help those who want to do better, need to do better, to live out a healthy philosophy of life, an inspired life, a life with purpose, a sense of mission, a reason to be here. As we mature into our God-given Gifts, we make a difference. We then exist in… that happy spot. When in our place as our Creator made us, we find happiness and fulfillment in a measure we value.
“Before you were born, I set you apart for a special role in God’s purpose.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

This has been my ride… the barn, books, business, the bus. An interesting ride. I have returned full circle to the thoughts of my youth I had while riding on top of the hay wagon as the tractor driver took us to the barn. Now it’s the bus driver taking me home.

In all of this, I am finding my own happy spot. The bus has brought me back to seeing this again, and living it again. In my youth on the farm, many remarked that I was a happy person. I created happiness and fun for myself. I like the simplicity that opens the door for that happiness again.

Maybe this helps so you see why I ride the bus. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Waiting Pleasure

The bus stop is tucked in a quiet neighborhood. In the warm summer mornings I like to walk a couple blocks to it, sit on the bench, watch the clouds overhead, listen to the chirping birds. It’s a real peaceful place with a friendly neighborhood too.  A car or two will pass by. They frequently wave. Reminds me of being on a small town street. As I looked around though I noticed the grass around the bench and bus stop pole was a little high, saw an empty soft drink cup, a few cigarette butts. It’s a nice spot but could use a little sprucing up, the weeds trimmed, the bench painted.

The thought went through my mind we actually enjoy waiting when where we wait is a pleasurable spot. I then started to think about all the other bus stops.

What if we took time each week to manicure them?  All it would take would be a man and a truck, a mower, weed eater, a broom and a trash bag. He could make the rounds each day and cover several routes daily. Cut the grass, trim the grass around the benches, poles, sweep the cement, pick up unnecessary things left there. They could really be a neat place… something remarkable, that would stand out and people remark about. Those waiting on the bus could feel like they were waiting at the 18th hole of a PGA Tour golf course.

Growing up I lived in Amish-Dutch country. Many of the farmers didn’t have much but the barns were always painted, the fences mended, grass cut, always neat and clean. I remember it well, as it was my job to do it. The farmers were always working at making the most of what they had. Those who passed by would remark about how beautiful and well-kept the farms were.

The other day I took Line 5 to a wellness facility. The waiting area had a large fish aquarium, soft music, comfy chairs, and courtesy drinking water with a slice of cucumber in it. I tell people I like to go early because I get inspired by the wait. It’s like the tucked away bus stop I like to go to, where it’s a nice place to sit, relax, take in the calm, refreshing feel of its environment. …just lifts my spirits being there.

A principle of life started coming home… we don’t mind waiting, or even anticipate it, when the wait is pleasurable, with a pleasant atmosphere and surroundings. When the wait is pleasing, we come more often… the wait can even be something we look forward to.

Lesson: when you need someone to wait for you, make it as pleasurable for them as you can.

(By the way, I looked up the word manicure. Its parallel meanings include beautify, polish, cut, shape, clip. We think of manicure as care in beautifying, polishing fingernails. It's a good fit for other things as well.)
“He who is faithful with the small things is also faithful with much.” (Jesus)


Monday, June 9, 2014

A bus ride always helps with flow

First bus by on a Sunday morning. Hopped on and Dawn said you’re up bright and early today. And I said I was trying to figure out how to say something I want to say and a bus ride seems to always help. On the short ride around, I hopped off at a convenient spot. The ride and walk helped bring this together in my mind.

One day as I took the bus on one of my frequent trips downtown to the library I saw a bus driver checking out a book. I figured she was on her lunch break. So you like the library too I said. A favorite place for her, could stay here all day she said. I thanked her for using the public library as she hurried off.

In one part of my life I was involved in the Missouri Educational Communications Association. I have always been an advocate for the public library system. And now an advocate for advancing public transportation in a community. Plus I am all for cultivating the entrepreneur skill in America, and doing all things according to God’s Principles from the Bible. Blend these, and we have a strong force.

One day on Line 2 which goes close by the community college, a girl got on and sat across from me. A friend asked her how college was going. She said she had just dropped out. Overhearing this, I wondered why. Every person is gifted in some way or another. She seemed a little despondent. Has anyone ever helped her find her unique gifts and talents? Does she know anything about entrepreneur skills where a person can make it, do something or survive in any economy?  Still on my life to-do list is to teach entrepreneurial skills, so anyone can make it or advance with or without a job. That desire increased on this ride. With just a little guidance, education, opportunity, anyone can accomplish more of what they hope for.

Another area of life is learning flow. That’s why the ride this morning… to get into flow. Flow is a mental process where we come into a “flowing” stride, do things at our best. It starts with information gathering. Then when our brain is full, taking a break and doing something different. We allow the subconscious to organize all the tangents. When we come back to the task a flow begins, we become like a faucet.  It just pours out.

I don’t know if I am smart or not. But when doing my graduate studies, I learned this.
I was not rated as being real smart going into college. Then I learned flow. I became a top student. I realized everyone can do this. When I don’t apply it I seem to function as not being very smart. When I feel a struggle, I know how to get back into flow. A bus ride stimulates a return to flow for me.

The girl on the bus, who dropped out of college, could learn flow and entrepreneur skills. The bus driver probably uses the trip to the library to get her mental wits together for the second part of her day. Knowing how to return to our best self, when we see we are waning, is something that can be learned and used regularly.

It reminds me of what John Maxwell advocates. Have a think spot. A place to sit, be quiet and just think.  The Scriptures say be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). We have help, psychologically, from our subconscious mind, using it for what it can do.  And Spiritually,  the Spirit of God who stands ready as well. I have learned to trust both.  

Take a walk, ride the bus, get on your bike… it seems to work wonders.

The Rise of Superman is about flow, on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. Here’s a summary along with my Spiritual additive.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Public Transit … an injection to the entrepreneur spirit

A startup online video producer wanted to attend a 1 Million Cups  meeting with me. At these meetings a couple entrepreneurs are featured each week to talk about their business ventures. 

I had been talking to him about the benefits of using public transit so I suggested he meet me there. He said he could ride his bike to get on Line 9, transfer to Line 2. Then he could get off just a half of a block from the meeting location. Afterwards, he could go back on Line 2 which goes by his new office (of which he worked out a deal with the owner of the office space trading video services for use of the space.)

I was telling him how using public transit can make a difference in getting a business idea off the ground. Here’s a few things I pointed out to him.
1. Keep overhead costs down. Do the math. It costs less to use public transit than using a personal automobile. Let your wife use the car to get to work, and you follow the walk, bike, bus combo plan. It keeps living expense down by not having to pay for and maintain two cars.
2. Stay unnoticed. In the beginning stages, as you work to establish a good track record, staying unnoticed is important. Fly under the radar for a while so you can build things up. Some make the mistake of going overboard in talking about their business. Talk less, do more, and be discovered by how well you do your business.  On the bus you can remain unnoticed. By blending with regular folks, you stay humble and keep working diligently.  
3. It gives you time to think. I get many ideas while on the bus. I am not distracted by traffic issues I have to deal with while driving myself. It’s good to have think time, solve problems, have a place where ideas pop up. The bus provides you that opportunity. I get many solutions to things or get ideas while riding.

Physical exercise is good. By using the bus he walks more, and with his bike he is getting the blood flow that refreshes the brain (helping to subdue stresses of the day and remaining calm while thinking through issues of his business). To make his business work, keeping costs down, staying unnoticed, and thinking, creative-thinking time contribute a great deal to the entrepreneur mind.  The bus is a unique strategic option for stimulating the entrepreneur spirit.

In all things it is important to stay humble, be frugal and cultivate the innovative spirit by looking at things from different perspectives.  A danger we face is to be too pre-occupied with our life and lose sight of what is going on in the lives of those around us.

Here’s a new book about how to get an idea, product, company up and going by Lori Greiner of Shark Tank.
Invent It, Sell It, Bank It.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

A city bus terminal … a city’s cultural intersection

This week I had the privilege of sitting in on an informational gathering session in prelude to an architectural firm designing a new bus terminal. The firm was seeking community preferred interests for a terminal’s function and design.

After hearing viewpoints from many aspects of a city’s functions, organizations and rider interest groups, I sent a response email to the session’s facilitator. As I was writing the email, I realized I was expressing a philosophical position for city public transit. So I decided to post the core of the letter as it has relevance to any city’s culture and a desire to build a healthy, vibrant lifestyle in a community. Below:

To summarize my views, as a city bus passenger for the last couple years, I have a cultural mission in what I do. Which is...  transit within its operating practices and services can affect a community beyond the functional service it provides to revive it, make it stronger, and stimulate economic and sociological advancement.

Some may see it as a service for the poor, disadvantaged, down and outer way to get around. In my view, the general culture of our community would benefit from more cross-cultural interaction.

A bus transfer facility could enhance this. The struggling, less influential culture could be positively affected by those who have established, comfortable lifestyles. A quality facility, physically attractive as well as functional, could attract the more accomplished person who would lend to a balanced blend of people connecting daily. This intermingling presence alone would have positive impact on a culture as a whole.

So I see the terminal as a key cog to facilitate this. Also, a quality environment would bring the self-image up of those who use transit as their sole method of getting around… being bus patrons who are part of something the community sees as a positive center piece of community activity. It can be an attractive gathering place blending a city's cultures, promoting better community understanding, and nourishing a community's heart of well being.

From this perspective, it is a key to creating long-term, significantly positive impact on a community.

Lesson learned: one part affects how all parts work… each affects all the others. Maybe that’s why Jesus prayed may they be One as We are One. A chord in a piano out of tune makes the whole piano sound out of tune. All in tune with each other can make music very pleasing to the ear.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If they don’t want to…

Saturday can be a little more of a wait coming back from Walmart. At the sheltered bus stop, I sat down in between two men. It was a conversation between one person trying to help another.  As I was in between this, I figured out the one slept behind the buildings across the street and the other was trying to get him in a shelter. The helper called someone and left a message that he knew someone needing a place to sleep that night. 

What was different was the person needing a place to stay was reluctant to respond to an offer of help. The helper offered to get on the bus with him and take him to the place he knew would give him a bed and shelter. He continued to be non-responsive to his offer in any way… neither accepting or denying the offer. Do you have money for the bus the helper asked. No response. He just mumbled something. By now I was becoming, inadvertently, part of this.

The helper guy offered to give him money for the bus fare. Still no response. Here comes the bus “so ride with me,” he insisted. Being caught up in this conversation, I gave him a dollar and the other guy a quarter.  Then I told him exactly what he needed to do to get to the location. He needed a transfer to get there, so I gave him another quarter (a transfer is a dime more, but it was the only change I had). He just didn’t want any help. 

As the bus showed up, the helper guy asked him again to get on the bus with him. He didn’t budge. Walking to the bus he asked one more time. Still no response. The helper guy and I boarded Line 2 bus and the guy needing help stayed behind.

Then we went off as the guy sat there. Not really knowing why. Maybe it was how the helper guy was going about it (which could be another story).

In most instances someone willingly accepts a little help from unknown friends, but this person just seemed totally depressed. I know that because I was depressed at one time, and maybe I still am to some degree. It was like I was frozen. I couldn’t move or anything. I had a hard time walking to a bus stop let alone getting on.

How can we help?

First is understanding what is going on and then realizing someone must want our help. If help is not wanted, there is not much to do.

A large part of our culture probably is depressed and can’t get out of their stupor. That’s the greatest challenge. All we do won’t work unless we figure this first part out. When hope is totally diminished, we just can’t use intravenous methods to get hope into a person. Then, for whatever reason, someone must want it.

The hardest code to crack is the “no hope” code. Our human person without hope just doesn’t function. And then to be able to accept help graciously (for me the hardest part).

I am still puzzled. Some people on the street may stop you to ask for money for the bus. But for this guy to just refuse, in his quiet non-receptive way, was unusual. He had to be depressed. And that is the biggest puzzle. How to get out of it?  If you don’t wanna… it won’t happen.

All who pray and believe they have already received what they ask for, will receive what they ask for, Jesus said.

If we could turn our thoughts around to "we can have it better," then it can become better. Even if just a little bit at a time. And then we need to accept help when offered to restart our engines and accept help from our friends, even if we don’t know they are our friends yet.

Lesson learned:  We gotta wanna… and we must be willing to say yes, and thank you.

(In the Way of the Seal, we see a completely different person.  A person wanting to excel above average which is how the Navy Seals perform.)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

What was his song?

While sitting at the terminal,  I saw this dude with some interesting attire. He wore a cowboy hat, pulled down to the top of his eyebrows. Wore casual western type clothes and had ear plugs in his ears. He walked out to look at the bus map in the middle foyer. His head bobbing slightly and rhythmically with what he evidently had plugged into his ears. As he walked outside down the terminal, his body rhythm seemed to be with the music he was listening to. I wondered. What is he listening to?  What does it mean to him? Why does he like the music he hears. But it was for his ears only.

The more I thought about it, it dawned on me that without hearing his song I don’t really know much about him. When we have a song, do we share it with others or do we keep it to ourselves.  We can’t really relate unless we hear the other person’s song. Those who share it have more who know them and may join them in being part of their song. Those with a song who keep it to themselves, keep others out of their rhythm of life. We may never really know them and know what to sing to be in harmony with them.

We each have a song. The more we share it, the more others may be singing in harmony with us. What if we all live in the joy of celebrating the other person's song with them and we share the melody of our song with others. We each sing a song. What would the melody of life be if we shared our song? And, we learned how to sing along with each other's song?

Haven’t seen this mystical cowboy again. Or was he a cowboy as I judged him by how he looked to me. I will never know for sure as long as I haven’t had a chance to hear his song.

“Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong...Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song.”(Carpenters) And those around you may be singing the song with you.

Another lesson of life I learned while riding the bus: if we knew each other’s song, we’ll probably see more of us getting along.

“He gives me a new song to sing.” (Psalm 40:3)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Being there can be the difference

As I was boarding the Line 2 bus, I ran into Todd getting on.  He told me he was ready to start mowing soon. He had 90 clients to start the year which was a good start to keep him busy. He also said he was on the wagon, meaning he was still keeping away from drinking too much. (Off the wagon is when a person stays on a drinking binge.) Todd told me that if he had a couple beers he would be off to drinking a dozen.

We chatted for a while on the bus and he was telling me how things are going. This was good to hear. It was good to hear him talk so openly and freely about keeping his life on the wagon.
Well, we all got something to work on.  We benefit by having someone who cares about our victories and supports us in our struggles… someone we can celebrate our victories with, and be encouraged by someone who understands. 

As I got off he made a point to give me a huge wave as I walked away. If I were not on the bus I wouldn’t have these times to share and be there with others. I could tell it was an encouragement for Todd to see me. He valued having a time to chat. And I am sure others overheard our conversation, and it was possibly an encouragement to others around us to hear Todd share. 

Positive stories shared on the bus can be like a mini-mobile-motivational seminar. You don’t have to strain too hard to hear conversations.  Once I had a friend suggest we ride the bus together and share our dreams while riding, that maybe it could inspire others to dream too. 

It is important to be where people are who need us. So many relationships can be made while riding and waiting for the bus. It’s there many can make a difference by just being there, and celebrate with those who are making the effort to do good through their lives. It’s amazing that a positive person’s persona, disposition, can affect people around them without using words. 

“Rejoice with those who rejoice,” the Apostle Paul said. To have people who share in what we do and have mini-celebrations together is a blessing in life. 

 Public transit is a great place to be among a varied cross-section of people. Just being there can be the difference.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Transit Transformed … Community of One and the Entrepreneur

Grabbed 2 downtown, then hopped on 5 to the Hammons Tower. Took care of some business quickly and came out to catch the other 5 coming back to downtown. While sitting there on the bus bench enjoying the beautiful spring-like day, the thoughts of how people get money to do things was going through my mind. I wondered how many business dollars are generated alone through this big, tall, black business tower behind me. 

Dollars are harder to get these days and Transit is fighting for the available dollars too. All across the country I hear it is getting more competitive to get the same Federal, State money being allocated to public transit(with less to go around). Having access to public transportation is viewed by many as equal to our right to free speech in America. But how can it be funded? 

While sitting there my mind went back to a conversation I had many years ago with one of the founders of Evangel University, Dr. J. Robert Ashcroft. He was asked to go to a college in the East to help them pay off a million dollar debt. This was probably 30-40 years ago. He took a year’s salary of one dollar. And in one year had them well on the way to having the debt paid off. I asked him how he did it. He said he got everyone working together as one team. He asked the faculty to eat lunch with the students, included the faculty to interact with the administration to solve problems, enlisted student insights, got outside suppliers involved, and created an atmosphere, and function, of one unit all working toward the same goal. 

Then I began creating parallels. What if that could be done in a city and everyone worked as a community of one for providing public transit?
What if the bus drivers with some business experience met to come up with new ideas of securing, or building revenue streams to fund the bus service. The Transit leadership/staff interact with this drivers’ think-tank group and kick around possibilities. 

Get the community involved in another think-tank, include bus passengers and non-bus passengers. Stir that in the mix. 

Add three of the areas accomplished entrepreneurs to be a think-tank group to come up with innovations for funding public transportation that could be a perpetual, self-generating system for new revenues, but still have low fares for the bus passenger. Combine the minds of entrepreneurs accustomed to working with 9-figure budgets to vision new ways to do things… ways relevant to our culture today and where it is going.
(Maybe they would work for a dollar a year each to see if they could come up with some funding innovations… innovations that would constantly generate revenue, make transportation available to all, and produce a classy, nationally-noticed, eye-catching transit system.) 

Use the entrepreneurs as the point men (persons... there are great women entrepreneurs as well) to bring all the concepts together. Homogenize all factors to one unit of thought in that the community, transit services became as one in mind, spirit, heart. 

Napoleon Hill, in researching entrepreneurs in the early 1900’s, said they found great success when all people involved in a situation worked in harmony, as one mind, with each other. Joint minds birthed a master-mind which produced outstanding invention to solve problems.
Jesus said we “will do greater things”… He was referring to His Disciples that as a unit they would surpass His accomplishments (as One in Spirit). 

As One we can believe for and expect Greater things. 

I boarded 5 heading downtown. On the way, I saw all the construction going on transforming some of the old office buildings into a new concept of downtown. We may be entering a season of greatness for all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Bus … benefits of thinking like an entrepreneur

As his friend got on the bus, this guy asked him if he had 50 cents. His friend said he didn’t, then he turned to me, sitting in the back, asked me if he could borrow 50 cents. I said not now. His friend nudged him to ask the lady in front of him across the aisle. She rummaged through some things and came up with a bag of pennies. What went through my mind is that he is going about this all wrong. He used the word, “borrow,” which implies he plans to pay you back, a time, a place. Well, I obviously didn’t see any of these conditions present, and not knowing him how in the world would I know I could count it being paid back as he suggested… a lack of trustworthiness. 

Consider this scenario, someone (let’s call him Todd) needed $20. As Todd walked down the street he saw a lawn mower for sale for $20. As he continued walking he saw several yards that needed mowed. Todd found a person who would pay him $20 for mowing his yard. He told the man that he needed to go buy this lawn mower on sale for $20 so he could mow the yard. He asked his prospective customer if he would advance him $20 so he could do this. The man hesitated. So Todd asked the man to go with him or he would leave him his jacket as collateral. The man agreed. He bought the mower and mowed the yard. The man liked the job and asked him to come back again. 

Then as he walked down the street with a lawn mower he found another yard needing mowed. He offered $20 to mow it. The lady said yes, but now he needed gas. He asked the lady to pay him $20 upfront so he could go buy gas. He offered to leave the mower there to protect her money advance. She agreed and he went and bought a gas can and gas. That day he mowed two more yards for $20 and made $40 profit while having his equipment paid for. He would buy another mower or two when he saw good deals along the street, so he would have a backup. 

Todd rides the bus when he’s not mowing and now makes up to $200 a day mowing yards at a competitive rate. 

Two people who ride the bus. One has an entitlement mind… ask with no guarantee of a  return. Another uses an entrepreneur’s approach… provide something of value for someone who investments in your service. 

The bus culture is a prime place to teach entrepreneurial skills… to learn how to use your skills, provide a product or service that someone else would see of value and pay for it. If this culture were taught this, we would have Todd’s of the world making a positive contribution to the world around them. It starts with a change of mindset, creating belief in one’s self, and showing how to make money while improving lifestyle for others and our self. We could change our culture for many on the bus and those around us if we learned how to apply the entrepreneurial way of thinking for getting what we need. 

Actually, as an entrepreneur friend of mine told me, we should make learning entrepreneurial skills a requirement in our education system.  It’s not only personal survival insurance, but a lifestyle fulfillment factor in our pursuit of happiness… our privilege of the free enterprise system in America. 

While on the bus that day I was thinking about this guy’s approach to get 50 cents. (I really didn’t want to reward a method I disagreed with.) I felt for the lady who gave her bag of pennies to this guy. As I got off the bus I passed by her. I reached in my pocket, pulled out my change. I spoke to her as I walked by and handed her my change, “God wants you to have this for your kindness.” I realized I had about 80 cents in change and a few pennies. She got paid back more for being kind. 

The lesson learned:  think like an entrepreneur; create something of value to someone who will pay you for it. And God rewards kindness. 

Also, here’s a book summary that teaches how to make money, when you need a few extra hundred(although the author suggests a thousand). It’s the Todd way of thinking… an entrepreneurial approach. Put More Cash in Your Pocket.
Feel free to pass it on. If we taught people “how,” the “have” would be more widespread.

Monday, February 17, 2014

People become what we think of them

People become what we think they are.

In the best-selling business book Business of Belief, the author shared a study where teachers were told they had a class of exceptional students coming into their class. These students were average, and the only difference was the teacher’s perception that they were exceptional. (Their performance records were modified to reflect this for the teacher.) What happened was the teacher treated the class very differently than if he/she had average students. The students then, overall, performed at much higher levels than they normally had in the past. The point was… based on what we perceive people as being, our actions to them can vary according to the perception we have of them.  People then tend to respond in the way we think they are

I wonder if every person who boarded the bus were treated as a unique, special person, of notoriety and accomplishment, could we change our culture by changing the way we think of them? If we applied this one phenomenon to the bus system, could the drivers be key influences in changing our communities?

There is something special in every person. When we believe it’s there, it shows up. “We are marvelously and wonderfully made.”(Psalm 139:14) For me I really strive, work to find, the wonder, marvelous workmanship inherent in each person I meet.

Lesson learned: What you think people are, they become.
What we believe eventually becomes our reality. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Bus Driver’s Ideas for Building Ridership

Larry Jones, city bus driver, wanted to be an airline pilot early in his life. Although he had a chance to drive a bus in New York City followed by back and forth stints of tour bus driving and city bus driving. He was hired twice by CU Transit. What brought him back to stay… the benefits are excellent and the management team is great he said. He works with some great people he emphasized. 

“Where can you find a job that you sit in a nice seat and get to meet great people all day long.” 

How does he make a difference? Smiling is important he said. When someone boards the bus and you welcome them with a smile that helps them start their day on a positive note. We all feel better when someone greets us with a smile. Also, he learns his passenger’s routines. In one case during an early morning run, a regular passenger fell asleep. He stopped at her stop, seeing she had fallen asleep, and told her we are here now. 

When a passenger thanks him for the ride, that is always appreciated he said. 

What would you like the passengers to know?  When someone has a suggestion, it would be better to go directly to CU Transit. The bus driver has a lot on his mind all day, and he may not be in the best position to passing it on. The Transit website has a comment page which Transit does check and a phone number for passenger inquiries. 

Larry studied computer science when in college. Our conversation shifted to idea sharing on how the transit service could build its client base attracting the technology generation. 

While on Route 8, the comfy chair and taking the hour loop around the north part of the city, seemed to get Larry’s idea juices flowing.  In the near future, CU Transit will be part of an app that will show all the routes on one’s smartphone. (I understand more on this will be coming. I didn’t know the details of what this is at this time.) Also, the buses may be having computer-based prompts to name key streets as they pass by which are tied into a GPS system.  He pointed out the bus routes are already tied into Google and on the website a person can get directions/connections(at a link called Map It) for a trip in the city. 

To increase ridership, life skill classes at school on how to use the bus to get around town would help increase bus use Larry felt.  Bus drivers could come and share main components of how the bus system works. Have a similar class offered to the public through a community college as a community service.  A bus driver teaching the class would be able to answer specific questions. 

At elementary schools, have a bus day. (Larry indicated this was done in the past.) Take a bus to the school, have the kids ride it and a driver show the kids how everything works, and go over the rules of the bus. Parents could be invited too and they get a free pass to try the bus sometime, or maybe a couple times. 

At the new terminal, videos could be shown on a screen to explain the ins and outs of the bus system, or put them on the website as well. The more a person knows before getting on a bus, the more likely they will be inclined to use it. 

On the bus, enlist community volunteers to be a personal host for new riders to show them how it all works and answer questions. (Seems like I saw something like this on the CU Transit website, but not sure if I have seen it done.) 

At the colleges, have a welcome to CU Transit day. The city has a healthy influx of international students who are more accustomed to using public transit. They could be given courtesy passes when they start their college semester to get them going on the city’s transit system. 

Well, the loop around the north part of the city went pretty fast and it seemed Larry’s brain was just warming up as ideas continued to flow. When I got off the bus, I told Larry thank you. He smiled and said come back again and ride sometime. 

The more we become familiar, the more we tend to use what we are familiar with. Educational and information sharing experiences can accomplish this. 

Greet someone with a welcoming smile today. “Be humble and teachable. Those who humble themselves are raised to higher positions.”

Monday, January 27, 2014

What Drives the Bus Driver… a profile, Dawn

What drives the bus system is the bus driver it seems to me.  A play on words here… the bus driver is the passenger attraction, and they make it all work. So I was wondering what drives the bus driver.

I have had the opportunity to ride on Dawn’s bus several times, and then have a sit across the table visit with her. (Thanks to the transit leadership for making the way to provide this opportunity.)

Dawn has several defining characteristics of her character that stood out to me. Here’s how she got where she is and what she is about.

Dawn didn’t have a childhood dream to be a bus driver. As a stay-at-home mom in a small town, when her kids got school age she wanted to get out more. She saw an ad that the school was looking for a bus driver. Dawn responded to the ad and the next 10 years or so she was taking kids to and from school. This plan was perfect for her… getting out and getting her kids, and the kids of her community, off to and home from school.

Later, a major school district was looking for a school bus driver trainer. That developed and after four years of training school bus drivers, she is now part of the CU Transit system. As a bus driver, she is also continuing her education at Drury University in Organizational Communications.

Her favorite part of the day is the early morning pulling out. Getting people to work, kids to school, she enjoys the time of getting people to where they need to go. I kidded with her that so you went from being a stay-at-home Mom to being the Mom of the city. She laughed which made me think I struck a chord. I think she gets similar fulfillment … getting people safely to their destination.

Two areas seemed to rise up in importance to her as we talked. Safety and respect. Dawn is very concerned for people’s safety and watches it carefully. I remember on a snowy day, as I was boarding her bus, she cautioned me to be careful, and watched my step as I was stepping on some plowed snow to get on the bus. She made it a point to make sure I got on safely.  I have observed she keeps her eyes on the passenger from the time they step on to seated, and then taking that last step off the bus ...constantly consistent in doing this.

Respect is important to her. All people deserve respect she told me. She listens well, and no matter who talks to her she is attentive to them. “Every person has value and every person deserves respect.” When you listen you also know your passengers’ needs. “How can you build your clientele if you don’t know the needs of your customers,” she added.

I wondered if she had to deal with any disturbances. No, she said, she usually nips any potential sign of that in the bud early on so it doesn’t escalate. Most passengers are very nice and courteous people she said. Being on the bus is an orderly, courteous and safe place.
(To me it may show how respect is reciprocated… show respect, you get respect.)  
The passenger group is diversified. Some people may see a small city bus as a service to the needy, but Dawn said her passengers are from all places of life. You see shirts and ties, work apparel, business and community service people, students… etc.

Give transit more than one chance, things are not always as they may seem from the first perception,  Dawn reiterated.   (Personally, I know that’s what I did. I gave it a chance. I tried it. Liked it. And continue to use it. To me, it is an interesting environment, gives me time to think and de-clutter my mind.)

What would you like from the passengers I asked? She said having their money, passes ready when they get on the bus. It’s important to her to be on time. An extra minute or two at several stops can put the bus behind on its time points. What concerns her are the cold days, people waiting in the cold when she is trying to get to their stop on time.

What stood out is Dawn’s character. She genuinely likes people and enjoys getting them to their destination. Her gifts as a person, which are strengths for being a driver, come through.  A helper by her nature, I saw Dawn excellent at interpersonal communications(knowing how to explain something at a person’s plane of understanding), a listener who cares for each person as a valued person, and one who demonstrates respect and, consequently, receives it too. She said her parents were good to people, a quality inbred in her character as well.

In the future, Dawn hopes her studies in Organizational Communications can bring added value to the transit system. Already good at communicating with people (add being “Mom of the city” :), Dawn brings transit an ideal of what those of us who ride the bus appreciate, are glad for and value.

“What you give, will be given back to you in even greater degrees.” (Jesus) 

(A recent book summary about givers and takers is at
Spirit Savvy Business blog by Dale Shumaker.)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Economic Impact to Spotlighting the Positive

When I boarded his bus last summer, the driver told me I looked familiar. Well, after some chatting I realized we both spent time at the Barnes and Noble coffee shop reading books several years ago. I told Fernando, the bus driver, that I would go there frequently to read best-selling business books.  I wrote biz book summaries about entrepreneur skills/strategies and posted them on the Internet.

Then, when on 22 this past Sunday,  Fernando (originally from Argentina) asked me if I ever looked into how much one bus can impact a community's economy. He began to point out to me that each bus run goes by numerous businesses, places of commerce in the community. A person takes the bus to the store, of many varieties. He/she gets a haircut, sees a doctor, grabs a sandwich. If you add up each person, plus the places where money exchanges hands, it can have significant impact. I was thinking about all the options, and I usually spend money somewhere when on and off the bus. It is a conduit so all sectors of society can participate in commerce, affecting the economic well-being of the community.

A few days before this, while on 2, I was thinking how much a local business, whose market base is on the bus, would benefit from riding the bus. Wearing their business logo on their coats, hats, shirts, people would see their business.  By encouraging their people to ride the bus, they could market their business. In warm weather, they could wear t-shirts with a marketing message. 

Following my conversation with Fernando, I thought it would be interesting if a college economics class did a study on the economic impact from bus passengers.  We have several outstanding universities in this city.  Take one bus, the stops, the dollar spent, add many passengers on many buses, all day… it’s my guess a lot of money not readily seen is moving through the community… contributing to economic strength through transit alone.
Some I think misjudge bus passengers as a bunch of freeloaders. I don’t see that. They do spend money freely, that an economy needs to have flowing. 

I asked Fernando what he liked about driving a bus. He said he liked interacting with people and driving. As a school bus driver, he was trained in driving a school bus by Dawn, now a fellow city bus driver. “One thing she told me I always remembered,” Fernando added. What is the most important part of driving a school bus?... the kids. Today, the idea still applies to my job.  What is the most important part of driving a city bus?…  the passengers. 

Fernando has started to post positive thoughts on the drivers’ bulletin board. Being an illustrator he adds a cartoon sketch to his positive thought of the week. He showed me his most recent one.  “You can’t stop the waves... but you can learn how to surf.”  “You know,” he said, “if we all did positive things every day the world would get better.” Well Fernando, think you gotta point there that’s a world changer. 

Needless to say, that bus ride with Fernando gave me several things to chew on in my mind. 

Life is about the difference it makes when small things add up… whether it’s money flow or speaking positive thoughts to each other. Look for the good and build on that. 

“Do not despise small beginnings; one seed can grow to be a tree with many branches.” (Zechariah, Jesus)

(Those who advance are very good at cultivating benefits from all circumstances. 
See the Spirit Savvy Business blog post at

by Dale Shumaker, 417-224-3517)