Thursday, April 17, 2014

What was his song?

While sitting at the terminal,  I saw this dude with some interesting attire. He wore a cowboy hat, pulled down to the top of his eyebrows. Wore casual western type clothes and had ear plugs in his ears. He walked out to look at the bus map in the middle foyer. His head bobbing slightly and rhythmically with what he evidently had plugged into his ears. As he walked outside down the terminal, his body rhythm seemed to be with the music he was listening to. I wondered. What is he listening to?  What does it mean to him? Why does he like the music he hears. But it was for his ears only.

The more I thought about it, it dawned on me that without hearing his song I don’t really know much about him. When we have a song, do we share it with others or do we keep it to ourselves.  We can’t really relate unless we hear the other person’s song. Those who share it have more who know them and may join them in being part of their song. Those with a song who keep it to themselves, keep others out of their rhythm of life. We may never really know them and know what to sing to be in harmony with them.

We each have a song. The more we share it, the more others may be singing in harmony with us. What if we all live in the joy of celebrating the other person's song with them and we share the melody of our song with others. We each sing a song. What would the melody of life be if we shared our song? And, we learned how to sing along with each other's song?

Haven’t seen this mystical cowboy again. Or was he a cowboy as I judged him by how he looked to me. I will never know for sure as long as I haven’t had a chance to hear his song.

“Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong...Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song.”(Carpenters) And those around you may be singing the song with you.

Another lesson of life I learned while riding the bus: if we knew each other’s song, we’ll probably see more of us getting along.

“He gives me a new song to sing.” (Psalm 40:3)

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