Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why not a shuttle downtown

When getting on Line 22 the other day, I saw a survey about bus service... 2015 Transit Passenger Survey.

It had questions about Transit services asking the patrons of the bus service their preferences.  The last question was open-ended for other comments or suggestions.

I have a suggestion: why not add a shuttle downtown.

When the new transfer station is in place, the routes east, north, and south may have a longer distance to travel, making it harder to make it back to the transfer station on time. The new location is moving a few blocks west from where it currently is downtown. The thought kept going through my mind... would this be a timely time for a shuttle-type service downtown.

What if buses took the quickest route to the transfer station when entering downtown, then add a shuttle to blanket service downtown.  A shuttle could fill the gap, and provide a way for getting around easier when downtown. It could be good for the bus passengers, and good as an attraction to going downtown.

The new transfer station will be on Main at Olive. A shuttle could be running continuously from the transfer station around the downtown area and back. For example, it could run east on Olive, south on Jefferson, west on McDaniel, north on Campbell and back on College to the transfer location. (Well, this is the picture I see... )

Passengers could get to their destination downtown easier coming in from all directions.
Downtown patrons could scoot around downtown area without getting in cars and finding another parking spot.

Why not make it fun, informative and a downtown attraction.
(I took some time for a little brainstorming here.)
--It could be made fun (like the Branson train ride) with info about the Transit System, helping people find their way. (Theater majors from the local colleges could be enlisted to be a bus host.)
--Businesses could have special offers for their eating places, movies, entertainment, etc. on the bus.
--It could create an intriguing, by-design, image for downtown.
--It could get downtown more promotion and draw, with business, downtown association, transit working together for uniqueness, transportation efficiency, and increase the people flow to downtown.
--and the passengers would have added value to their service for their downtown destination.
The more I thought about it the novelty and bustling benefits of it kept coming to mind.

The bus system could be made attractive by making it fun, while promoting downtown, and increasing service for bus patrons with a destination of downtown.

Lessons learned. Make the core strong and build out from there.  Any situation, looked at in a life-enriching way, can have benefits that outweigh limitations. Refueling resources are the refreshment of refreshing ideas.

Well, one of my answers to the last question of the survey.

Another idea is I liked the way the routes overlapped more prior to the 2013 changes. It provided more flexibility in options to get around.

The survey is on the CU Transit website. If you have preferences, now is the time to speak up. The new transfer station completion provides a window of opportunity to get the services you may have always wanted, but never really said out loud.

Here's the link to it on the website. From what I understand it will be up for a few weeks, and then information compiled.

(Or if you have any ideas, tell me and I will pass them along:

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