Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Waiting Pleasure

The bus stop is tucked in a quiet neighborhood. In the warm summer mornings I like to walk a couple blocks to it, sit on the bench, watch the clouds overhead, listen to the chirping birds. It’s a real peaceful place with a friendly neighborhood too.  A car or two will pass by. They frequently wave. Reminds me of being on a small town street. As I looked around though I noticed the grass around the bench and bus stop pole was a little high, saw an empty soft drink cup, a few cigarette butts. It’s a nice spot but could use a little sprucing up, the weeds trimmed, the bench painted.

The thought went through my mind we actually enjoy waiting when where we wait is a pleasurable spot. I then started to think about all the other bus stops.

What if we took time each week to manicure them?  All it would take would be a man and a truck, a mower, weed eater, a broom and a trash bag. He could make the rounds each day and cover several routes daily. Cut the grass, trim the grass around the benches, poles, sweep the cement, pick up unnecessary things left there. They could really be a neat place… something remarkable, that would stand out and people remark about. Those waiting on the bus could feel like they were waiting at the 18th hole of a PGA Tour golf course.

Growing up I lived in Amish-Dutch country. Many of the farmers didn’t have much but the barns were always painted, the fences mended, grass cut, always neat and clean. I remember it well, as it was my job to do it. The farmers were always working at making the most of what they had. Those who passed by would remark about how beautiful and well-kept the farms were.

The other day I took Line 5 to a wellness facility. The waiting area had a large fish aquarium, soft music, comfy chairs, and courtesy drinking water with a slice of cucumber in it. I tell people I like to go early because I get inspired by the wait. It’s like the tucked away bus stop I like to go to, where it’s a nice place to sit, relax, take in the calm, refreshing feel of its environment. …just lifts my spirits being there.

A principle of life started coming home… we don’t mind waiting, or even anticipate it, when the wait is pleasurable, with a pleasant atmosphere and surroundings. When the wait is pleasing, we come more often… the wait can even be something we look forward to.

Lesson: when you need someone to wait for you, make it as pleasurable for them as you can.

(By the way, I looked up the word manicure. Its parallel meanings include beautify, polish, cut, shape, clip. We think of manicure as care in beautifying, polishing fingernails. It's a good fit for other things as well.)
“He who is faithful with the small things is also faithful with much.” (Jesus)


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