Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Using cars a last resort

Recently while in Chicago, I noticed a pattern of how people get around. They walk, run, bike, bus or take the train, and as a last resort use cars.

The city has many hubs of communities, so walking is quite common. To go a little farther the bus is handy, and then to get across town the “L” (elevated train) becomes quite popular. There seems to be a natural flow, with a balance of ways people get to where they want to go.

In the past, I would notice buses and wonder why people would use the bus, when we have cars. In the city, I wonder why have cars when we can use buses. The focus and perspective completely reverse.

It seems to be a cultural mindset in the larger cities... actively using a variety of transportation means... walk, bike, bus. Whereas in the smaller city it takes some promotion.

There is a great organization promoting walking, biking, busing, driving... and the benefits of living in balance.  Check out Let’s Go Smart. They even have an all-green bus promoting their theme.  

The bus culture … why use a car, when you have buses.
“They are all permissible, but not all as beneficial.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)

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